Meet Ellie – A cyclist training for a 2500km challenge


Urban Massage speaks to Ellie who is about to take on a 2500 km ride!

Find out how she’s preparing for this adventure and what’s driving her to complete such a difficult undertaking.

1. Tell me about yourself

I’m 24 years old and I graduated from Edinburgh last summer. Since then I have been enjoying working life in London although have put work aside to take on the enormous challenge of cycling the West Coast of North America, covering over 2500km. I love all sports but have a particular passion for skiing, tennis and water-sports. I enjoy cycling as well, particularly as a means to explore new areas. I adore travelling and take every opportunity possible to get away and explore new places.

2. When did you start cycling and why?

I learned to ride a bike when I was a child and since then I have largely neglected the sport until Christmas of 2016 when I started training for the daunting West Coast challenge which starts in July. My reasons for starting to cycle are threefold; primarily to fundraise for a charity I hold close to my heart, MQ: Transforming Mental Health. Secondly, I want to challenge myself past my everyday limits and test my endurance. Thirdly, it is a fantastic opportunity to exercise while exploring new places and embracing the outdoors.

3. What’s the most challenging thing about cycling?

For me, the most challenging thing about cycling is tackling those hills! When there never seems to be an end to them, keeping the strength to carry on can be quite tough. The other most challenging thing would have to be the aches and pains that the sport causes from being stuck in one position for an extended period of time but it is all well worth it.

4. How do you prepare?

I make sure I am eating right so that my muscles have the best chance of recovery. I train up to 200 miles a week as well as doing three high intensity cardio work-outs and two strength based work-outs.

5. How do you recover post training?

Once a week I do about an hour of stretching along with short stretching routines pre and post training.

6. How was your Urban Massage experience?

My Urban Massage experience was fantastic. Paula was very professional and insightful about how I should treat the tighter parts of my body. She paid attention to my tight muscles and stretched them out where necessary. Afterwards I felt very relaxed and refreshed with very little remaining pain.

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